Interview with Daniel Lydianov - jury moderator, "Programming" segment in "Site of the Year" 2022.
Tell us a little more about the process of working towards this year's criteria in your Site of the Year segment.
And this year, as is tradition, we go to smooth and renew the criteria in relation to the latest happenings in the world of technology. We have periodic meetings where everyone can share invaluable experiences from the "caviar" of their work practice.
What are the main innovations?
For the first year, we plan to include a list of Best Practices that will allow site owners to pay attention to things they have not considered before. We touched on new things about how and what today's search engines look for on the Internet, what is appropriate to use, and what direction site owners should take to succeed with their web presence. And for the second year now, representatives of a youth jury are present among us, who give super fresh ideas and guidelines.
What can site creators and owners applying for the Site of the Year 2022 Competition do to impress the jury?
First of all, they should present their sites adequately. No matter how much we don't pay attention - the title, the description, and even the project photo are the face and the first impression of every evaluator. And as we well know, there is no second chance to make a first impression! Otherwise, of course, it is immediately apparent to a concerned website.
The most curious thing for you as a jury in the whole process of evaluating the applications?
As I have indicated in my biography, the small details put into the realization of the project are the most impressive to me. And the most exciting thing is to see what amazing projects are being born here, in our country.
What will you wish to the participants who are now preparing their applications? And what are the top 3 benefits of participating for them?
The benefits are clear - 1. They receive a huge amount and quality of expert opinion. 2. They get the right direction for developing their web presence. 3. They increase attention to their site, which leads to success.
I wish everyone to be assured that this is not just a competition. This is a step towards better development.
You can see the original interview here.